
10 TSW poets writing against systems


In celebration of National Poetry Month, TSW is sharing 10 pieces written by poets writing against empire and other oppressive systems.

Get to know these TSW voices.

In celebration of National Poetry Month, TSW is sharing 10 poems written by Seventh Wave poets that we published across our past 16 issues. In this supercharged roundup, you’ll encounter poems that challenge the expectations of empire, pieces that reveal the realities of diasporic living, and poems that question various systems of oppression.

In times like these, when it can feel hard to parse truth from sensationalism, poetry can cut to the core of our lived experiences. Our hope in sharing these poems is that they will act as entry points for you to get to know some incredibly urgent, necessary talents within our TSW community.

Below, you’ll find work by the incomparable Monique Ouk, Daad Sharfi, Rebekkah Leigh LaBlue, Brian Dang, Sanam Sheriff,  Nicole Orocho Hernández, Sarah Ghazal Ali, Kaya Arnoux, Ramya Ramana, and Sadia Hassan. Read and return to these voices often. 

Throughout the year, you’ll continue to find pieces like this that celebrate our community of voices. If you’re looking for more poems that we’ve published over the past nine years, you can search our site via the “poetry” tag here


We nurture and champion the voices of those dedicated to their craft.