
12 TSW writers to read for Pride Month


In celebration of Pride Month, TSW is sharing 12 pieces written by queer-identified writers and poets published within our past 17 issues.

Get to know these TSW voices.

Pride Month may be technically over already, but over here at TSW, we know that the celebration of queer voices and stories is an ongoing one. Today, we’re sharing 12 pieces written by Seventh Wave writers and poets that we published across our past 17 issues. In this powerful roundup, you’ll find poetry that gestures toward the yearning and desire of new romance; short stories that speak to the boundless possibilities of transness; pieces that celebrate the joy of drag; and hybrid works that conjure a chorus of queer ancestry.

These writers represent a vast array of forms, lived experiences, and identities, and their words paint a stunning collage of perspectives. Our hope in sharing these pieces is that they will act as entry points for you to get to know some incredibly urgent, necessary talents within our TSW community.

Below, you’ll find work by the incomparable Kyung, Veronica Wasson, Isaiah Yonah Back-Gaal, beloved, hannah rubin, Sheena D., River 瑩瑩 Dandelion, Callum Angus, D.A. Navoti, Anthony DiPietro, Ruth Elizabeth Morris, and Laura Buccieri. Read and return to these voices often. 

Throughout the year, you’ll continue to find pieces like this that celebrate our community of voices. If you’re looking for more resources or writing from queer writers and poets, check out CLMP’s roundup, “A Reading List of Pride Month 2024.”


We nurture and champion the voices of those dedicated to their craft.