
10 TSW writers to read for National Hispanic Heritage Month


In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, TSW is sharing 10 pieces written by writers and poets published within our past 17 issues.

Get to know these TSW voices.

Today, we’re sharing 9 pieces written by Seventh Wave writers and poets that we published across our past 17 issues. In this powerful roundup, you’ll find essays that illuminate a long lineage of trauma brought about by empire; poems that dig into the history of discrimination; pieces that celebrate the joy of kinship; and short stories that render entire webs of complex relationships visible on the page.

These writers represent a vast array of forms, lived experiences, and identities, and their words paint a stunning collage of perspectives. Our hope in sharing these pieces is that they will act as entry points for you to get to know some incredibly urgent, necessary talents within our TSW community.

Below, you’ll find work by the uber-talented Aline Mello, Jesse Gabriel González, Aling Zulema Dominguez, Maya Garcia, Alysia Gonzales, Rogelio JuárezTeri VelaDayna Cobarrubias, and Michael Sarabia. Read and return to these voices often. 

Throughout the year, you’ll continue to find pieces like this that celebrate our community of voices. If you’re looking for more resources or writing from Latinx writers and poets, check out CLMP’s roundup, “A Reading List for National Hispanic Heritage Month 2024.”


We nurture and champion the voices of those dedicated to their craft.