Headshot of Sionnain Buckley

Sionnain Buckley

Sionnain Buckley is a writer and visual artist based in Columbus, OH. Her work has appeared in DIAGRAM, Wigleaf, Strange Horizons, Foglifter, Autostraddle, The Seventh Wave, and others. She holds an MFA in fiction from Ohio State, and has received fellowship support from The Seventh Wave, the Adirondack Center for Writing, and the KHN Center for the Arts.

Read work by Sionnain Buckley

  • The Time-Space Synesthete Draws You a Picture of What You Can’t See

    Community Anthologies
    In a world where writers operate within the confines of page and word limits, Sionnain Buckley is a visionary without regard for parameters. In her poem, “The Time-Space Synesthete Draws You a Picture of What You Can’t See” Buckley renders a world where time has a shape, where every word has weight, and where the experience of glimpsing through the speaker’s vast, synesthetic scope will leave an indelible impression in your worldview.
  • Heaven is a Place on Earth

    The Magazine
    Out past the bridge, past the edge of town where the old houses give way to the stretch of firs that continues for a few miles before dissolving into shrubland, there is a little church

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