Explore the Seventh Wave
Body Party City
Endings begin with a rumbling: / clap of thunder at the top / of the finale, creak and release / of the bus as it rises from its bow, / first vibrations of the tornado / siren. -
No Children
Empty basilica, wood slat / walls, white Jesus expressionless. / Blue eyes and blue eyes and blue / eyes and more inaccuracies / in the courtyard. -
A Legacy of Stuff
There’s a legacy of stuff passed through my family, especially on my father’s side. -
Editor’s Note
For this issue, we want you to look at what and who is near you. Here, we are thinking about the word proximity. Its silences, opportunities, and actualities. -
Self-portrait as unproductive machine
The hands of the clock strangle my neck. Each hour, a rueful sigh. -
Portal Triptych
say: here here: hear still: hours bud until split stretches: a body / out -
Moses’ Ear
I had thought I was alone. A familiar scent of bleach and black coffee hung suspended in the warm air of my childhood kitchen. -
Editor’s Note
What are the institutions — family, religion, education, and beyond — that dictate your understanding of the world, and where do you locate the sting of disillusionment? -
Reading in Carceral Tense
Vignettes of/with the Russian Dictionary of Imperial and Soviet Prison Slang -
“impression” and other poems
through my eyelids / yellow wall / of sun was I -
Dispatches from the Richmond Uprising
Before we leave Virginia, the doctor calls us from his home. -
[…lakeside…] Against Passivity
For the sake of this poem as / a citable document, I'll name / just the one breath this time -
The Jungle Book: Epilogue
I’ve been lying for a long time, so let me tell you a story. / We can never go back to who we were, despite the bravado -
Sometime Daughter
A partial erasure of King Lear -
This is a Body • Requiem / For Victor Gutierrez
This is a body / and this body is this thing of terror—how / in this world every / woman is a survivor and every…