Explore the Seventh Wave
Rock Jenny
Jenny’s first change, like everybody else’s, was expected. -
“vanishing aubade” and other poems
O bobolink. The bobolink is dead / at my door — found leaving my apartment / to school then to work. After some searching, / I guess it’s a bobolink—this lemon- / headed crow, this crumpled parachute cloth. -
Bodies Made of Bullets
When I got the phone call the third time Daveonte was shot, I knew it was the last. Still, I held my breath. -
Busted furniture. Building materials. Car guts. Then a few feet away, loads more: old clothing, broken toys, soiled diapers. -
“The Sound of Roots” and other poems
We come from the mountains, we have wolf / in our blood, we have pinebarb. -
If I were any more ambidextrous I’d slap my own ass left handed • Ain’t dere no more
Make it out to my sense of melodrama or maybe just my consistent need for I think it's called attention? -
“In the beginning I am not your body.” and other poems
& so I hear / in the beginning I am not / 12 & I hear hips swinging a wide bridge / a chorus swelling in the bass / of my chest & I break -
What We Lose
Are there times where we can’t compromise our beliefs because to do so would be to forfeit the core of our beings? -
Editor’s Note
The reality is that everyone’s just trying to get by — the difference is in what each individual, each collective, and each nation is willing to give up in order to survive. -
Female While in Mexico
Hers is a country of dead people. All those graves scattered over the hill, the white crosses, the angels with their hands on their chests, the pinwheels that spin over children’s graves. -
Outline of What I Want to Say to My Sister
On the phone, you tell me you were frozen, then brought back to life. The freezing shrunk you and stretched you, and you became ugly. -
What do you know about one-night stands?
You will be twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two, no younger than nineteen, no older than twenty-four. -
The Enigma
I was looking for Samuel Bernstein’s novel, Lulu, at The Strand, a giant stack of books teetering in the crook of my right arm. -
Plainclothes Agenda
My interdisciplinary art practice evolved from drawings I made while sharing open and public spaces with others.