Explore the Seventh Wave
Looking for the Buddha
The essence of the Buddhist path of practice is the refinement of perception. -
New Year’s Eve
My brother calls, says, “Bring a razor the next time you visit mom. She wants her mustache shaved.” -
Beyond Portland
One of our campsites was at the end of a hostile run of unpaved road. -
My Girlfriend Wishes I Would
give people less access to my life. I am interested in the intersection between all the public / interaction we have in private & the paradoxes which exist because of this divide in logic & / space. -
The Vehicle of Escape
When I was very young, we used VCRs. Soon after, of course, we switched to laserdiscs before DVDs, and so on and so forth, but even today, that original machine is still familiar to me. -
Perception Gaps
Might the plasticity of our language be responsible for the gaps between us? -
<b> Mauer Im Kopf </b> • <Witty but tastefully sentimental title>
<i> O say, pharisee, by the lamp’s failing light </i> -
Editor’s Note
What would it take to shift the narrative, to close the gap between what you know to be truth and what someone else dismisses as opinion? Might the plasticity of our language be responsible for the gaps between us? -
On Thresholds
This session combines lecture with generative time and guidance to explore thresholds, not only as figurative motifs but as loci of power, spaces bound in the present in-definite, and essential tools of the writing craft. -
Overcoming through Gratitude: Transmuting Pain into Purpose
This generative session centers on the transformative power of gratitude, encouraging participants to embrace even their most painful experiences as vital resources for growth and development. -
On Sacredness: a generative session on redefining ‘sacred’ and writing awe and radical presence
This session will focus on expanding ideas of ‘sacredness’, and will address both how we write about what is sacred, and how we find a sense of ritual and sacredness through our writing processes. -
On Intimacies: an artist talk on queer kinship and collaborative praxis
In this session, huiyin zhou and Laura Dudu will share insights from their collaborative projects and processes both as an artist duo and as long-term friends who co-direct community-based art initiatives. -
On Care: How it shapes, and is shaped by, the writing process
In this talk we will explore how care shapes and is shaped by the writing process. -
Art Is Where We Meet Each Other
"We keep beginning again and again because we understand that this work is not a luxury; it is readying the soil for what our community intuitively knows can grow here." -
On Black Joy
"By delving into the intersection of race, joy, and justice, I aim to unearth pleasure as a tool that has the transformative potential to liberate."