Headshot of Noelle Marie Falcis

Noelle Marie Falcis

Noelle Marie Falcis is a scholar-artist with Visayan roots and migrant parents, settled upon unceded Tongva land. Most interested in visionary re-memory and re-imagination of histories and therefore futures, she pursues embodied storywork through writing and movement. Her fiction holds mythologic and folkloric elements of her heritage and tends to be grounded in the waters. She is working on a pair of novels.

Read work by Noelle Marie Falcis

  • Tiny Births; On Honoring Stories of a Body

    My losing was a long drawn breath; nothing like what the websites, the forums, the doctor had led me to believe.
  • Below

    The Magazine
    He’s figured it out. The only way out is to swim, to break water, to surface. It is a long way up, that is how far we have drowned.

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