Community Anthologies: 2023, On Tending
Ng, Bianca
By Bianca Ng


The Call

Call for Submission

What are you shedding these days in order to become more yourself? Caring for yourself is much like nurturing plants […]

What are you shedding these days in order to become more yourself? Caring for yourself is much like nurturing plants — it requires attunement and patience. And in order to grow, you need to tend to your decay. How much old growth are you carrying that hasn’t been tended to, impeding you from sprouting? When we stop changing, we stop growing. But this process can be lonely. If no one sees your change, how can you continue to honor your growth? A form of healing is choosing to care for your needs and no longer being able to disassociate from your body. It is integrating different versions of yourself, younger and adult, and allowing them to take up space. The process of healing means you’re no longer fearful of your decay. As we tend to our gardens, we listen to our intuition and cultivate the environment we thrive in. What are you letting go of? How do you honor your decay? I invite folks who exist in the in-between space of creating. Someone who experiments with a combination of mixed creative expressions (words, visuals, photos, materials, motion, audio) to communicate their stories.


We nurture and champion the voices of those dedicated to their craft.